What I enjoyed most about TMC NYC was that it was small gathering of teachers, but nonetheless a very diverse group. I had the opportunity to do some fun math, explore instructional routines, and hear from teachers whose classroom structures and philosophies are very different from my own. I always like hearing from teachers with different perspectives because it helps me rethink my own classroom practices or confirms to me that what I already do is right for my students.
Didn't get to join us for TMC NYC 2016? Session info and resources available online: https://nyctmc.wordpress.com/sessions/
I ran a session on the statistical investigation process using commute times as a context: "According to recent studies and census data, NYC residents have the longest commute times in the U.S. spending an average of 40 minutes to get to work. How long do NYC teachers typically take to get to work? What about U.S. students’ commute to school? Using this context, we will go through the statistical process: creating a good statistical question and then collecting, visualizing, analyzing, and making conclusions from data. To get more out of this session, bring your laptops and interest in statistics."

Teachers, if you haven't done so already, please complete my brief survey on your commute time: http://goo.gl/EScgsG. I will be using these data for a project in the near future.
A big thanks to David Wees, Michael Pershan, Carl Oliver, and Leah Segal for organizing (and New Visions for allowing us to use their space).
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