
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Putting Stats Projects into Practice

Over the years, one of the ways that I've grown as a stats educator is to incorporate more projects and activities into my classroom routine. I often use these projects as a cumulative assessment and as a way to summarize units. These projects can be time-consuming, but I find they are worth doing to help students assimilate information and apply statistical skills in new ways. They help make concepts more tangible, and have been a contributing factor in my students success on traditional tests like the AP exam.

I often get asked how I balance projects with the packed AP Stats curriculum, make the projects appealing for students, and ensure student success. One of the most satisfying comments I got last year from a student in regard to her final project: "Never enjoyed a project this much. It didn't even feel like a project." It has taken me a while to get the hang of how to make project-based tasks work. Now that I've done lots of rounds of them, though, I love how much it has influenced the culture of learning in my classroom.

So, here's a long overdue post to respond to these requests. (While this advice is based on my experience with statistics projects, I see no reason why they wouldn't apply to any STEM project.)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Page: Stats Things Loved

I have now included a page dedicated to some of my favorite resources for AP Statistics and teaching statistics. These are websites, textbooks, videos, course material, and generally fun statistics-related things that I love.

Now available at: Stats Things Loved

Have any suggestions or comments? Please feel free to contact me.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Assessment Twists

In my classroom, I use a variety of nontraditional mechanisms to assess my students. Some of the assessments have some interesting benefits, including virtually wiping out student cheating... by letting them cheat.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Randomization Tests: Using Technology to Guide Inferential Thinking

In my AP Statistics classes, I have been using simulations as a means to teach various topics in the curriculum. For the past year or so, I've introduced the use of StatKey to do randomization tests.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Using Data in the Science Classroom

Last December, one of my Math for America colleagues, science teacher Liz Whelan, gave a talk about how her students use real-time data to investigate research questions about local water quality.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Lost in Translation, the Statistics Edition

If you speak multiple languages, then you're very much aware of words that easily get lost in translation. If you speak "Statistics," this happens just the same. Students tell me that one of the hardest things about learning Statistics is the vocabulary, learning and using the terminology correctly. Being a Statistics teacher has made me increasingly aware of certain statistical vocabulary that students, and people in general, use that often don't mean exactly what they think they mean.

Here are five statistical words and concepts that I think can sometimes get lost in translation: